Dover Thrift Editions

Dover Thrift Editions are complete, affordable editions of original classic works of literature. Ideal for students of famous English, American, European and World literature, these are unabridged classics from hundreds of major authors, poets and playwrights. Comprising a wide range of novels, plays, poetry, short stories, speeches and quotations these texts represent many of the most iconic and written about works of literary history. With Dover Thrift Editions you get the whole printed text at a reasonable price. 

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Family Happiness and Other Stories

Family Happiness and Other Stories£4.99

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Far from the Madding Crowd

Far from the Madding Crowd£3.99

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Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons£3.99

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Favorite Fairy Tales

Favorite Fairy Tales£4.99

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Favorite Father Brown Stories

Favorite Father Brown Stories£4.49

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Favorite Greek Myths

Favorite Greek Myths£3.99

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Favorite Poems

Favorite Poems£3.99

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Favorite Poems

Favorite Poems£3.49

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Favorite Poems of Childhood

Favorite Poems of Childhood£2.99

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Female Abolitionists

Female Abolitionists£6.49

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Five Comic One-Act Plays

Five Comic One-Act Plays£1.99

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Five Great Greek Tragedies

Five Great Greek Tragedies£9.99

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