Dover Thrift Editions

Dover Thrift Editions are complete, affordable editions of original classic works of literature. Ideal for students of famous English, American, European and World literature, these are unabridged classics from hundreds of major authors, poets and playwrights. Comprising a wide range of novels, plays, poetry, short stories, speeches and quotations these texts represent many of the most iconic and written about works of literary history. With Dover Thrift Editions you get the whole printed text at a reasonable price. 

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The United States Constitution

The United States Constitution£6.49

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The Use and Abuse of History

The Use and Abuse of History£3.99

  In stock, available today
The Way of the World

The Way of the World£1.99

  In stock, available today
The Wild Duck

The Wild Duck£3.49

  In stock, available today
The Will to Power

The Will to Power£9.99

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The Wind in Willows

The Wind in Willows£6.49

  In stock, available today
The Winter's Tale

The Winter's Tale£2.99

Usually ships in 21 days  Usually ships in 21 days
The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln£2.99

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The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain

The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain£3.49

  In stock, available today
The Woman in White

The Woman in White£8.99

  In stock, available today
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz£4.99

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The Yellow Wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper£2.99

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