Colourful and unusual selection of authentic vintage suitcase labels of the travelling classes from 1910 to 1940. Brilliant commercial design of the period combined with exotic locations and great typography to produce a really evocative collection of these great examples. These are stickers that can be used and applied directly - or simply use the designs themselves.
The full colour stickers vary slightly in size with three differening sizes, typically around 50 x 65 mm, 58mmx 45mm and similar sizes. Simply peel and apply.
Designs include: Notable hotels of the grand tours of Egypt, Roma, Cairo, Zurich, Genova, Firenze, Saigon, Aix-Les-Bains and other fashionable resorts, as well as many other destination cities - all feature graphic representations of the places, with cityscape silhouettes, hotel buildings, aspects of history and culture. Also airlines, Atlantic liners, Deco Steam train poster art and more.
Illustrations: 53 full colour pressure sensitive stickers
Copyright: Permission Free
ISBN 10: 0486421945